
Little girl giving high five to the doctor


About Birthmarks

Birthmarks are extremely common. Almost 80 percent of babies are born with some type of birthmark, and they are usually harmless and do not need any treatment. But since birthmarks can be visible, although physically harmless, emotionally, they can affect your child's self-esteem and make them feel self-conscious. Vascular birthmarks are made of blood and lymphatic vessels. They can be red, purple, or strawberry colored. They can be flat as in a port wine stain or raised as in a hemangioma


Birthmarks that are red in appearance are usually caused by an excess of blood vessels. An amount of melanin in the skin can cause pigmented birthmarks such as moles or café au lait spots moles. In some cases, birthmarks may be associated with genetic disorders and impact other parts of the body.


Birthmarks can change in color and size as the child grows up. Red birthmarks can resemble rashes, lesions, or even visible blood vessels, and they can also break open or bleed.


Columbia doctors are experts in diagnosing the type and origin of birthmarks, usually with a physical exam. Still, some deeper birthmarks may require imagining tests such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or a skin biopsy. 

Treatments We Offer 

We may recommend laser therapy, such as a pulsed-dye laser to lighten the color of a port wine birthmark, or medication, such as a beta-blocker to treat a hemangioma. Columbia doctors not only treat the birthmark itself but also the underlying conditions. Sometimes birthmarks require no treatment and some may go away on their own. If they are growing rapidly or affecting other areas, they may require immediate treatment, and we are here to help. 

Why Choose Columbia?

Columbia's team of vascular anomaly experts have the experience and compassion to manage and treat your child's birthmark. Regardless of the type of birthmark, location and appearance, Columbia offers a wide range of treatments to help your child look and feel their best.