Nutritionist-approved Super Bowl Recipes
The 120 million viewers who tuned in to Super Bowl LVIII last year weren’t just watching the game. They were munching on nachos, wings, and other classic gameday foods. What’s more, Super Bowl commercials include plenty of ads for tempting and high-calorie fast foods and beverages, making viewers even more likely to overindulge.
When nutritionist Jamie Leskowitz, RD, enjoys a Super Bowl food spread, she draws on her expertise to savor the foods without going overboard.
“If I’m going to a Super Bowl party or having friends over, I want to enjoy the customary dishes and hope others do too, but I also want to feel my best afterward without overindulging,” says Leskowitz, a certified diabetes care and education specialist at the Metabolic and Weight Control Center at Columbia. “It’s important to set yourself up for success at these challenging, food-focused events.”
Whether you’re hosting a gameday party or attending one, Leskowitz has healthy tips and twists on classic Super Bowl foods to satisfy your cravings without sacrificing flavor.
Gameday Plan
Just like planning for a healthy holiday meal, if you’re heading to a Super Bowl bash, let yourself enjoy the foods while being mindful of portions and nutritious choices.
“From the pizza deliveries, bags of potato chips, and greasy chicken wings, the menu items aren’t always in your control, so you will need to pause before digging in and think about the best options,” says Leskowitz. “But most importantly, it could be a long game. Mindless munching while watching and socializing is the biggest challenge.”
Leskowitz’s top tips include:
- Think ahead: Eat your typical breakfast and lunch that day so you’re not starving when the game starts.
- Scan the spread: When you see the party foods, look over all the options for the healthiest choices. Ask yourself which indulgent options look yummy enough to enjoy a small portion.
- Choose “free foods”: Focus on the lower-calorie appetizers like non-starchy vegetables and salsa. I call these types of vegetables “free foods” because they are very low in calories but high in fiber, so they can help you feel fuller while staying within your calorie goals.
- Build your plate: Choose a protein to help you feel satisfied. If the only protein options are cheesy or fried, do your best to take a small portion and load up on veggies to build your balanced plate. Limit the refined, low-fiber carbs such as chips, and pretzels.
- Move away from the food: Eat slowly to enjoy what’s on your plate. Once you feel satisfied, avoid thoughtless grazing by walking away from the spread to socialize or watch the game. You can also ask the host if you can help put some of the dishes away to limit the temptation.
- Drink wisely: Holding a low-calorie beverage like water or club soda in your hand can also distract you from mindlessly reaching for snacks. And of course, limit alcohol consumption.
Try These Super Bowl Recipes
Considering that an exciting or nerve-racking game can trigger overeating to cope, Leskowitz says it’s even more important to offer nutritious choices.
If you're attending a party, she suggests contacting the host beforehand and offering to bring some nutrient-dense, lower-calorie, flavorful dishes. If you’re hosting, these crowd-pleasing recipes can round out your spread.
Chips and Dip
Baked blue corn chips and homemade guacamole or homemade salsa is a party favorite. Check out our healthy guacamole and mango and black bean salsa recipes.
Veggies and Hummus
Veggies are packed with nutrients and fiber, and you can buy or make your own hummus. Try our recipe.
Homemade Pocket Pita Pizzas
Here's a healthy take on a Super Bowl classic.
Baked Chicken Wings
Chicken wings and the Super Bowl go together. Here’s a winning wing recipe to try.
Jamie Leskowitz, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist at the Metabolic and Weight Control Center at Columbia.