It's Easy to Say Thanks

Give back to the providers that keep you healthy by sharing your experience online.

All of us have had physicians, surgeons, dentists, or nurses who have made our lives better. Share your experience by reviewing that special provider on one of the many review sites.

Simply follow the steps below:

How To Say Thank You Online

5 Simple Steps

  1. Understand Your Rights

    ColumbiaDoctors is committed to protecting the privacy rights of all of our patients, keeping their medical information private and secure. By posting a review online, you will be disclosing private information with the public. Sharing your personal information is your choice.

    Please make sure you understand the consequences of posting to a public website, whether the information is about yourself or someone else. Each website has “Terms of Use” that you should understand before posting a review.

    For more information about how we protect your privacy, please visit the Columbia University Medical Center HIPAA website.

  2. Choose a Review Site

    To review the provider that has made a difference in your life, choose from one of the major review sites listed below, or from the many other sites available:




    Google Reviews


  3. Create an Account

    If you do not have an account for the review site, you will need to create one. For Google, sign into Gmail and search for your provider on Google Maps, and you will be able to leave a review.

  4. Write a Review

    Rate your provider and share your story. Identify what was so special about your experience. Reviews with accurate and relevant information will mean that much more to the next person going through a similar experience.

  5. Share Your Review

    After posting your review, consider using social media to share your review with your loved ones. Again, remember that sharing your personal medical information is your choice.