Pediatric Surgery

Surgery can be scary for you and your child. You need to know that your child will have the most advanced and innovative procedures performed by the best, most experienced surgeons in their fields. Surgery should not be traumatic and at Columbia we know it does not have to be.

Little boy playing with his toy in bed in hospital room

At 15 North Broadway, our pediatric surgery team will be with you every step of the way. Our pediatric surgeons will answer your questions and will take the time to walk you through every aspect from preparation to recovery and follow-ups, as necessary. We offer consultations and follow-up appointments right here in White Plains to make it easier for you and your family.

Conditions We Treat

  • Hernias
  • Neck sinus and cysts
  • Pectus deformities
  • Pilonidal disease
  • Subcutaneous bumps
  • Undescended testis

Treatments We Offer

  • Pectus brace assessment
  • Pectus excavatum vacuum bell measurement
  • Wound check and dressing change

Care at Columbia

You will be meeting with specialists at one of the leading children’s hospitals in New York. We have state-of-the-art expertise and use only the latest techniques and technologies. Whenever possible, we use minimally invasive approaches for shorter recoveries—so your child can get back to being a kid.