Injections & Infusions

Injections and intravenous infusions are safe, minimally invasive treatments whereby medicine is administered via needle or IV directly into targeted areas of the body to help manage and control pain and inflammation. Often used as the first line of treatment for pain management, these therapies can provide relief to patients suffering from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, including arthritis, headaches, joint pain, pancreatic pain, and neck, arm, back, and leg pain. The location of the pain usually determines where the treatment where be administered.

Our dedicated staff of board-certified physicians and specialists work closely with patients to develop a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to their pain management and have extensive expertise in injection and infusion therapies, including:

  • Trigger-point injections
  • Joint injections
  • Peripheral nerve blocks
  • Celiac plexus blocks
  • Lidocaine infusions
  • Subcutaneous infiltrations
  • Inpatient ketamine infusions

During the initial consultation, a member of our pain-management team meets with the patient to evaluate their specific type of pain, develop an appropriate treatment plan, and address any concerns. On the day of the procedure, the doctor will thoroughly clean the injection site, administer a numbing agent, and insert the needle to deliver the medication. And since the effectiveness of these therapies is dependent upon properly targeting the specific source of the pain, our expert team specializes in ultrasound-guidance technology to ensure every procedure is performed safely and accurately. Once treatment is complete, the patient rests in the recovery room for a short period until released to go home.