Prostate Cancer Surgery


Men with typical and aggressive prostate cancer who seek care at Columbia Urology will find doctors who are internationally recognized experts in their respective fields. We offer expertise in the full spectrum of state-of-the-art surgical approaches including nerve sparing prostatectomy and nerve transplant surgery, minimally invasive techniques such as robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and cryosurgical treatment.

Columbia Urology is one of a few select centers in the country—and the first in New York City—to use the High Definition da Vinci S Surgical System to perform minimally invasive robotic surgery to treat prostate cancer. Please visit of robotic surgery link to learn more about this world-class program. We also work closely with Columbia oncologists and radiation oncologists to assure that patients who are not eligible for surgery, who require a combination of therapies, or who opt for a different approach receive optimal care.