Support Groups for Patients, Families, and Caregivers

Nurses, psychiatrists, patient navigators, and social workers are available to offer emotional, psychiatric, and family support for our patients and their loved ones. We also offer complementary and alternative medicine options such as acupuncture and nutritional services.

We encourage our patients, families and caregivers to utilize the many options for support both through our cancer center as well as in the broader cancer community, including:

Woman to Woman

Newly diagnosed gynecological cancer patients undergoing treatment at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital are offered the opportunity to participate in Woman to Woman free of charge. They are paired with survivor volunteers for one-on-one emotional support and guidance under the premise of “to know the road ahead, ask those coming back.” Survivor volunteers are matched with newly diagnosed patients based on cancer type, language, and age. These volunteers have been disease free for at least 2 years and are professionally trained and supervised by our Clinical Coordinator, Eileen Fuentes. All participants are given the “Gynecological Cancer Information Guide,” a comprehensive booklet provided by the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF) complete with information and resources, as well as a special section for partners and other caregivers.

For more information about Woman to Woman, please contact Eileen Z. Fuentes, Clinical Coordinator, at (212) 305-9066 or email

SHARE Cancer Support

SHARE offers regular guided cancer support groups for women to exchange experiences and information. 

Learn About SHARE Cancer Support 

The American Cancer Society 

The American Cancer Society offers talk or chat live with a trained cancer information specialist or find support in your own community. 

Learn About the American Cancer Society 

Cancer Care

Cancer Care offers a variety of support groups for cancer patients, loved ones and people who have lost a loved one, led by oncology social workers.

Learn About Cancer Care