Referring Physicians
The multidisciplinary Cardiogenetics Clinic at Columbia brings together experts in adult cardiology and medical genetics to identify screen and manage patients and families affected by an inherited heart condition. Our team includes highly experienced clinical geneticists, cardiologists and genetic counselors and we also team with pediatric cardiologists and pediatric genetic counselors.
Clinical Research
In recent years, there has been rapid growth in understanding the genetic basis for a wide variety of cardiovascular disorders. Our patients have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research that aims to understand how a person’s genetics, environment, and lifestyle can help determine the best approach to prevent or treat disease. We aim to provide a seamless transition from the patients’ clinical appointment to research recruitment. We are currently recruiting for our Cardiometabolic Precision Medicine Biorepository. The long term aim is to try to facilitate research on the genetic causes or genetic modifiers of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. If you or your patient are interested in please email us at: or call 212-305-3646.